Dr Vincent Covello
Meet Dr. Vincent Covello

At the helm of the Center for Risk Communication is Dr. Vincent Covello. Dr. Covello is one of the world’s leading experts and practitioners on the practice of risk, high-concern, and crisis communications and is the author of more than 150 articles in scientific journals and the author/editor of more than 20 books.

We encourage you to check out...

Pathway to Risk Communication

A Video-Based Course on Risk, Crisis, and High-Concern Communication from Dr. Vincent Covello




Community Relations Strategy Development

how we help

Community Relations Strategy Development

If you are facing an adverse climate that could cause (or has caused) a major disruption in activities important to your organization, you need an effective community relations strategy that meets your tough communication challenges.

High stress changes the rules.

Misperceptions can build an atmosphere of distrust and public concern. Studies show that under stressful situations individuals are unable to process even the most accurate information, thus building major resistance against officials who are working to elevate awareness of honest assessments and communicate solutions to stakeholders who may be impacted.

Facts alone are insufficient.

Facts alone are insufficient to address public stress and concern. Did you know that less than 5% of public stress and concern is driven by facts, and that more than 95% of public stress and concern is driven by perception factors?

Working together.

Any issue that could cause high stress or concern, whether it is environmental, economic, or shift in policy, the Center’s experience in developing science-based strategies to enable two-way dialogue and collaboration helps all parties to better work together.

Center practitioners have proven track records of successful partnering with in house teams, giving them a scientific approach to meet tough communication challenges.

The Center has developed and copyrighted this communication process based upon 40 years of published scientific research. Each communication practitioner is an expert at applying these principles to situations where high concern creates communication barriers.


What People Say About the Center

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

